When you send the right email to the right person at the right time, your subscriber opens, clicks, and may make a purchase right there. Is this all you need to know about successful email marketing? If yes, why is it then so difficult to entice your subscribers to become customers? The answer lies in these criteria: “right email”, “right person” and “right time”. This is also where most email campaigns fall short.
There is some good news: you can make a difference in your next campaign. We have put together 4 tips to generate more leads with your next email campaign.
Re. 1: Make emails relevant: Create targeted content
Defining the right content strategy is an art by itself. There are many great resources available to help your content stand out with the best subject line or body text.
Before you start searching for subject lines and more, you may stop for a moment and put yourself into the shoes of your subscriber. Ask yourself the question: “What makes content really relevant?”
It often boils down to what your subscriber is looking for right now, or what problem a subscriber has to solve right now. In other words, your subscriber is looking for content that helps them “right now”.
Great sales people know about the power of content. They have one-on-one conversations with their customers all the time, trying to be helpful to one specific person or company and their specific needs. Their livelihood depends on it.
Let us translate this into email content: find one specific topic your customers bring up, and write about the topic at the right time. Don’t try to overload the email, keep it simple and to the point with helpful ideas.
Your success lies in sending out the right email to someone.
Re. 2: Find your audience: Target each niche audience through segmented lists
Whether you have 100 contacts or 50.000 contacts in your database, they should not be thrown into the same bucket. Simply put yourself into their shoes again for a moment: How often did you unsubscribe from a mailing list, because the email was simply not relevant to you? Case in point: I can tell you that I am not interested in “red shoes” while I bet, my wife is.
Instead, it makes a lot of sense to actually segment your subscribers using market segmentation criteria such as Demographics, Sociographics and Psychographics.
You may segment by gender, age, geography, occupation, interests, preferences etc. A clothing retailer may send a campaign to all 16 - 25 year old females in a specific area, who showed interest in fashion. A car manufacturer may chose previous visitors to their website who filled out a survey looking for a convertible. Shoe retailers have it simple: they just focus on my wife.
Remember finding the the right person? Implementing sophisticated market segmentation techniques will help you to get there!
Re 3: Be consistent: Stay in contact with your audience through a constant stream of emails
Sending out one email blast is easy. Making email campaigns a part of your strategy is a totally different challenge. So it comes as no surprise that many email campaigns die a quick death, if management cannot see immediate results.
Most experts agree they get the best experience from their email marketing when they send one or two emails per week. Your optimal frequency depends on your subscribers and the business you are in, but it might be a good idea to start with one every two weeks and gradually increase the number once you have established a routine.
Also, keep in mind that there are countless studies showing that you need get in touch with your subscriber 7 times or more in order to get attention. Marketing expert Dr. Jeffrey Lant formulated the “Rule of Seven” to penetrate the buyer's consciousness.
In other words, being consistent will dramatically increase your chance of contacting your subscriber at the right time.
Re. 4: Make it easy to transact: Integrate with your e-commerce system
Never let an email go to waste. If your subscriber takes their time to read your email during their busy day, shouldn’t you at least invite them to go to the next level?
We have all heard about “call-to-actions”, asking your subscriber to take the next step when receiving the email. Most emails entice you to “Buy Now”, “Join us Today”, “Subscribe today”, “Book Now”. If you got this content in an email, you will have seen the “Contact Us Today” button further down.
Whatever call-to-action you have in mind, it will require a technology solution to generate leads and consequently turn leads into revenue.
In any case, you need a client relationship management system (CRM) to collect all contacts with email addresses, names and addresses, and to segment them for further campaigns called “tagging”. Depending on your business you may need an online store, an event system with online registration or a member management. Whatever your business model is, the implemented technology can make or break it.
Making it easy for your subscribers to transact, to do business with you will become the final and most critical step in creating a return-on-investment for your campaign. Your success hinges upon the technology used and its execution.
Are you interested to learn more about stepping up your next campaign? Please Contact Us Today to find out how. We offer a free one-on-one consultation to address your individual questions.
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