Email & SMS campaigns play an essential part in any organization.
Whether you want to increase brand awareness, reach out to new customers, or keep your existing customer loyal, email and SMS campaigns just make sense for your business. The campaign tools in WEEcommunicate give marketers everything they need to build, manage, measure, and collaborate on campaigns from one central place. Engage your audience through aligned campaigns with your branding, nurture your customer along their journey, and deliver results on the goals that matter most.
WEEcommunicate helps you to find the perfect timing for your message. Think of autoresponders to contact forms or welcome emails to new members, transactional emails triggered by purchases, scheduled emails to remind event registrants about the upcoming event, or other time-sensitive emails. They can be set up in advance so you do not have to worry when the time comes.
The need to contact the right individual when sending out email campaigns is important, right? Well, getting there is not that simple! It requires a lot of information to be collected about each individual. This information needs to be validated and categorized into segments. Match these market segments with your message, and you have the perfect recipe for a successful campaign.
We offer a state-of-the-art tagging system that allows you to create all kinds of segments or clusters for a personalized precision marketing campaign. As a result your organization will enjoy higher open rates, click-through rates, and lead conversions
Successful email campaigns make sure to send exactly what contacts want to see. In other words: the message, the wording needs to match the design to become powerful.
With a wide variety of proven design templates and a state-of-the-art HTML editor, you can create powerful and personalized emails, and even clone them for subsequent campaigns.
Stay connected with customers by being where they are—on their phones. With open rates as high as 98%, there’s no better way to make sure your message is seen
SMS is quickly becoming the the most effective tool to capture attention and gain customers. We offer the most cost effective Bulk SMS messaging service.
All-In-One means that you have all necessary marketing tools available at your fingertips.
From Start to Finish.
WEEcommunicate increases data quality so you can better target your audience with top-notch precision marketing.
WEEcommunicate helps you to achieve better results, a higher ROI. This leads to happier customers and increased sales.
3109 Grand Avenue , Ste 416
Miami, FL 33133